HPCI News: Iowa Sets Vision for Health System Transformation
To: Members and others
Iowa's vision for health system transformation is presented in a new report released by The Iowa Department of Human Services entitled Iowa Healthcare Innovation Plan, December, 2013. It also includes a proposed strategy and other information. This effort was led by a Steering Committee made up of Iowa health industry leaders along with state administration leaders.
The report states that the State's primary goal is to achieve the Triple Aim of:
- reducing the per capita cost of health care;
- improving the health of populations; and
- improving the patient experience of care (including quality and satisfaction).
Other goals deal with Iowans participating in their own care, stakeholder participation in the transformation process, success of the Iowa Health Information Network (based on health IT), and Accountable Care Organizations (ACO). To achieve these goals the report points to the following:
- Leadership within all sectors including public and private purchasers, providers, consumers, trade groups and associations, public health, research and policy organizations and other government entities
- Collaboration and open communications
- Clarity in accountability
- System transparency
- Alignment in measures and analytics
The full report is available here. The Executive Summary begins on Page 1, the Iowa Vision for Health System Transformation starts on Page 17, and the Steering Committee Membership as well as Work Group Members can be found in Appendix C and D.
Paul M. Pietzsch, MPH
HPCI - IHBA Office
4430 Ashley Park Drive
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265
(515) 778-6300