HPCI News: Iowa Health Insurance Marketplace
To: Members and selected others
Two items:
1) Find the latest information on the Iowa
Insurance Marketplace by going to the
Iowa Health
Buyers Alliance website home page under "Learn about the
Health Insurance Marketplace and your new coverage options",
click on the link "Have health insurance questions."
2) Iowa’s Interagency Workgroup will be traveling across the
state of Iowa to inform the public of the upcoming changes to
health care coverage and the Iowa Health Insurance Marketplace
(previously known as the exchange). The kickoff meeting will
be held in Des Moines on Saturday, September 21, 2013 (at the
Kelly Conference Room at UnityPointHealth, 1415 Woodland Ave.,
Des Moines). Other meetings will be:
Dubuque - October 1st
Iowa City - October 22nd
Cedar Rapids - October 23rd
- October 26th
View this PDF
for more details.
The State Interagency Team wants
to be sure they are available to Iowans to provide them with
timely and accurate information to dispel misunderstandings
or clarify the confusion about the changes in healthcare coverage
and the new federal requirements (as we all know the rules of
health reform can be complicated). This will be a wonderful
opportunity to have a chance to discuss you questions with experts
from the state.
The goal is to help Iowans make informed
decisions regarding their health coverage as 2014 and also to
make sure employers and employees understand what is changing.
Please assist the Interagency Team in getting the word out about
this important opportunity as open enrollment and 2014 moves
closer every day.
Your state agencies are excellent
sources of information, please help us in sharing that with
all of those who need it. For more information contact:
Angel Robinson
Insurance Consumer Advocate, Iowa Insurance
Two Ruan Bldg., Fourth Floor, 601 Locust Street,
Iowa 50309
Office: 515-281-4038 Toll Free: 1-877-955-1212
Fax: 515-281-3059
Paul M. Pietzsch, MPH
HPCI - IHBA Office
4430 Ashley Park Drive
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265
(515) 778-6300