HPCI News: Iowa in State Spotlight and HPCI Chartbook
To: Members and selected others
Iowa is in the June State Spotlight. The HPCI Chartbook and Iowa Medicaid focus on medical homes are highlighted in the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) June issue of Research Activities. The article is on pages 8 and 9 of the attached. Beginning with this issue, Research Activities will publish a bimonthly column on how individual states use the information from their AHRQ State Snapshots. The first state featured is Iowa.
The AHRQ State Snapshots are an important tool for quality improvement. Beginning in 2005, these reports provide valuable information and are becoming even more useful and important over time. Check them out at www.ahrq.gov.
Paul M. Pietzsch, MPH
HPCI - IHBA Office
4430 Ashley Park Drive
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265
(515) 778-6300