Iowa Health Buyer's Alliance Statewide Conference Health Care Reform:
A Broader View
Wednesday, October 12th, 2011
The Hotel at Kirkwood Center in Cedar Rapids
The Iowa Health Buyers Alliance will hold its 5th statewide conference at the Hotel at Kirkwood Center in Cedar Rapids. Plan to join us and learn the latest on private and public efforts to improve health and get better value.
Topics will include:
- National and Iowa reform
- Employer/purchaser led efforts to improve health care and value
- Iowa Health Insurance Exchange
- Private sector Health Insurance Exchanges
- The Greater Iowa Leapfrog Group
- Health Information Technology and "Meaningful Use"…what will it mean to consumers and purchasers?
- Employee/consumer engagement: demand side innovations in health care…labor and management working together
Featured speakers include:
- Suzanne Delbanco, Catalyst for Payment Reform
- Susan Voss, Iowa Insurance Commissioner
- Dana Chapman, Senior VP; Aon Hewitt
- Becky Dunk, Senior Manager; Health and Welfare Benefits; Transamerica
- Ray Werntz, Senior Consultant; HPN Worldwide
- Danny Homan, President; AFSCME Council 61
- Bonnie Pisarik, Benefits Manager; City of Cedar Rapids
- Susan Brown, Telligen HIT Regional Extension Center
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