Boeing making health care lean and efficient.
To: HPCI and IHBA Members
From: Paul
See below and attached for good update and timeline.
Paul M. Pietzsch, MPH
HPCI - IHBA Office
4430 Ashley Park Drive
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

Dear Colleagues:
As we approach the first anniversity of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act, we at the Consumer Purchaser Alliance (CPDP) believe it is important to reflect on our progress to date, thank our members for all their hard work, and consider the opportunities that lie ahead as we continue our efforts to improve the quality and affordability of health care in the United States.
To this end, we have developed Advancing the Consumer and Purchaser Advocacy Agenda for Better Quality, More Affordable Care ("Timeline") that highlights key CPDP accomplishments and resources, and identifies future opportunities for collaboratively building a high performing health care system.
With the support and hard work of our diverse membership, during thispast year the Consumer-Purchaser Discloseure Project has engaged in many advocacy efforts to strengthen how our health care system measures and reports performance data in a meaningful way to consumers and purchasers. Together with our members and partners, we haveengaged in numerous successful actions including:
- Ensuring that the rules for meaningful use of electronic health records are strong;
- Mobilizing consumer and purchaser voices in policy-making venues to shape the direction of major stategic initiatives, including Accountable Care Organizations, Medicare Physician Compare, and Health Insurance Exchanges;
- Writing and submitting more than twenty comment letters related to health reform implementation activities since the law was signed.
In the months and years ahead, there will be myriad other opportunities to make a difference. Our diverse coalition will remain highly engaged, including:
- Continuing to make sure consumers and purchasers shape the design of new payment stategies, public reporting, and ACOs and other new models of care;
- Supporting Health Insurance Exchanges that foster high quality, affordable and accountable care for consumers and small employers;
- Supporting consumers and purchasers in the multi-stakeholder process that will advise the HHS Secretary on priorities for public reporting and provider payment programs.
We invite you to review the attached Timeline, and share it with your colleagues. The Timeline provides an overview of the major steps in health care reform implementation as well as numerous opportunities to advocate for improvements in quality measurement and payment reform. It also reflects our members' hard work to dateand their continued commitment to building a quality, affordable health care system.
We hope that you will find the Timeline informative and inspirational: there is much work ahead of us and we look forward to your continued commitment, voice and partnership. Should you have any comments or questions about the Timeline or suggestions for improvement please contact Jennifer Eames Huff (
- Bill Kramer
Executive Director for National Health Policy
Pacific Business Group on Health
Consumer Purchaser Alliance - Debra L. Ness
National Partnership for Women and Families
Consumer Purchaser Alliance