Secretary Leavitt's March 9th Des Moines visit - Four Cornerstones of Value-Driven Health Care
To: HPCI Members and Supporters
This Four Cornerstones effort continues to gather strong support and acceptance. Many Fortune 1000 companies have already signed-on. Iowa based companies include: Wells Fargo, Principal Financial Group, American Republic Insurance Company, ALCOA, Pella Corporation, AmerUs Group, Casey’s, HNI Corporation, and Rockwell along with the HPCI and the Iowa Health Buyers Alliance. Please consider doing the same if you have not already done so. You can sign-on electronically by going to #3 under the attached FAQs.
Secretary Leavitt is planning a trip to Iowa, now scheduled for Des Moines on Friday March 9th during the
mid-day. While this time is “subject to change”, please pencil it in and plan to attend. HPCI is
working with others to arrange for this meeting. I will keep you posted on the time and
other details.
HPCI has made this Four Cornerstones program a key priority for 2007 and beyond. Please let me know if you have questions or if we can be of other assistance. Also, see the website below for additional information. Thanks.
Fred Schuster, Regional Director
Office of the Secretary
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
601 E. 12th Street, Suite S1801
Kansas City, Missouri 64106
"Every American should have access to a full range of information about the quality and cost of their health care options." - HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt
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